We now find ourselves at the beginning of a new millenium. The previous twenty-nine chapters of IRARC history, never before published, are now complete - salvaged, and edited from old accounts, and newsletters by Dick - W4YWA...no small undertaking.
Now he hovers...listening - listening? Well...noting, and watching...compiling real-time.
Kill that racket...will ya!
Chapter Thirty - Now Being Compiled - History Being Made -
A significant editorial...
- The following editorial from the January, '01 newsletter and as composed by Spurious Emissions Editor, Roy Hill, W6QCM, is reproduced in this historical compilation as it is deemed important as a reasonable indication as to the status of the IRARC as CY-2001 got underway:
- "For the last several years, I have been lamenting the decline of the club membership and the percentage of people who have been participating in the club's events. Whether my nagging or just renewed interest has caused it, or, as I would like to think, more people stepping up with ideas is responsible, participation has dramatically improved over the last year. Numbers for everything were up. It looks like once again the Indian River Radio Club is stepping up to the plate to control its own destiny. A lot of this forward progress has originated in the fertile brain of Al Ruschel, N4TME. His willingness to do things, to accept ideas from other people and delegate authority has got a lot more of us involved and participating in club events. Together with George Cannon, KF4XB, and the willing hands of Jim Harrison, N4OZZ, this trio has done a lot to rejuvenate our club and provide more activities for us. There is still a healthy respect for past traditions but this group has been breaking new ground and I applaud them. May we continue to grow and find people like this to keep our club a vibrant, living entity. 73, & Well Done, Roy..."
Emergency Coordinator alerts members to fire danger...
At the January, '01 meeting, the club's emergency coordinator reminded the membership that the annual "fire season" was about to begin. Due to a drought, the Brevard County Aridity Index stood at a dangerous 565 out of a possible 800, with 800 being the index on the Sahara Desert. Members were urged to monitor the 147.37 Mhz repeater especially during periods of high winds. If fires occur, it would be necessary to man the EOC, FOC, and support Incident Commanders at any major fire. Additionally COMM ONE could well be ordered to move out and support emergency personnel in other counties. Roy also spoke about the "Terrorism Drill" which was conducted in December. He explained the purpose of the drill was kept from the participants to avoid alarming anyone listening to the drill on a 2 meter radio or a scanner. Results of this drill were to be publicized later.
Five IRARC Training graduates qualify for their Amateur License...
Also at the January meeting, the club's Education Chairman, Rick Watson. KF4FNZ. announced that, of the five graduates of the latest IRARC Training Course, one passed his General Class exam, two passed Technician Plus, and two passed Technician. Rick stated the next training sessions were to commence at the end of February.
Report indicates members have made improvements to the IRARC trailer...
George Cannon, Kf4XB, Special Events Chairman, introduced Jim, N4OZZ, who gave a description of improvements he had made made to the club's communications trailer. These improvements had to do with the habitability, functionality, and towing characteristics so that the club's membership had a vehicle of which they could be proud. Jim acknowleged kind offers of assistance from George, KF4XB; Al, N4TME; and the most welcome financial support provided by Link, KC4YEW. Jim asked that the club generate a letter of appreciation to his neighbor, Jim wolf, who assisted him substantially in the refurbishment operation.
The name of Bill Valashinas, WA2NWI, was drawn as the winner of the $40 door prize. Bill, was conspicuous by his absence, so the prize for February was bumped to $50.
Possibility of move to another meeting place...
At the February '01 regular meeting, President Armando Delgado indicated that he had learned that the monthly rent of the club's meeting place at the Community Church of the Nazarene on Merritt Island was about to be increased from $50 to $75 per month. In consideration of the club's financial condition, Armando asked members having knowledge of any other meeting facility to contact him or any Board Member with the information.
Zack Burns, W5GUJ, was the winner of the $50 door prize; the only difficulty being that he was not present to claim it. This meant the door prize for March was upped to a hefty $60.
Possibility becomes reality...
At the March, '01 regular meeting, President Armando Delgado announced again about the rental of the current meeting place being raised 50%. He added that, fortunately, Ira Bickham, K8HRR, was able to locate another meeting place, the rent for which was only $30 per month. It was located on the property of the Grace Methodist Church on Needle Blvd, Merritt Island. The IRARC had used this property as a meeting place several years previously and had found it perfectly satisfactory. When tempted by free rent at a newer, more spacious meeting place at the Anderson Senior Center, the club did move to that Center in Rockledge. The stay at Anderson was relatively short when hefty charges for rent faced the IRARC shortly after the club's arrival there. Notice of the move was prominently displayed in the March edition of Spurious Emissions.
The door prize drawing was "won" by Ron Richardson, W5RAQ. Unfortunately, Ron was no where to be found, so the prize for April automatically became a whopping $70.
Special events announced...
The March '01 edition of Spurious Emissions included an article by George Cannon, KF4XB, which listed a few special events planned for Cy-2001. Included was:
Nr 1. The "Spring Satellites and Spaghetti" gathering at the Timberline Pavilion, Kiwanis Park, Merritt Island on saturday, 17 March 2001. Tom KG4JAC was to be there with his complete APRS station. Barbara Ruschel and Mac McMillan, KD4GPJ, were to provide spaghetti, drinks, and garlic bread to the hungry attendees while Steve, N4UTQ, was to lead the antenna/station setup. Jim, N4OZZ, was charged with delivery of the club's trailer to Kiwanis Island.
Nr 2. Emergency Management display of emergency vehicles and equipment at the Merritt Square Mall on 19 May 2001. It is considered advisable that the IRARC communications trailer be setup and rendered operational at this location.
Nr 3. Annual Field Day, 23-24 June 2001.
Nr 4. International Lighthouse Week at the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse, 0800 until 1700, Saturday, 18 Aug 2001 (date dependent on launch schedule).
Nr 5. Thanksgiving at Christmas at Christmas Park, Saturday, 10 November 2001, 0800 until 1700. Featured will be a Club picnic, various operating radios and modes.
Club again moves to Methodist Church...
For the second time in its history, the IRARC met at the Grace Methodist Church on Merritt Island. At his gathering on April 5th, which was attended by 51 member and 3 guests, Ira Bickham, K8HRR, welcomed all and explained the facilities available to them. Ira had been instrumental in arranging for the club to again meet in this relatively small, but friendly location.
A Historical overview of the SMAH Group...
For Historical purposes, it is deemed appropriate to mention here that, as of April, 2001, the ever popular SMAH luncheons continued to take place at the Holiday Inn on Highway A1A in Cocoa Beach. Attendance varied from approximately 25 to 40 persons. A historical overview plus photos taken during this ever-popular activity can be found by merely clicking on Smah History, and Smah Gathering links posted on the Home Page of this site.
Spaghetti event a success...
Special Events Chairman, George Cannon, KF4XB, reported that 44 club members attended the "Spring Satellites and Spaghetti" special event at Kiwanis Island on March 17th, 2001. Those on site worked three satellites, made contact with six states and two DX countries. See link on Home Page.
A new monthly column entitled "Contest Corner", moderated by Frank Merceret, NA4CW, made its appearance in the April edition of Spurious Emissions. As the article's title suggests, the purpose of the new feature was to describe and report upon Amateur Radio Contests. The mammoth door prize, amounting to $70, was carried away by John Gonroff, NT2D.
Field Day 2001 planned...
At the May, 01 meeting, which was attended by 43 individuals, including 2 guests, Field Day 2001 was the most significant subject discussed. George Cannon, KF4XB, reminded all present that Field Day was to be held at Kelly Park on June 23rd and 24th. Two CW, a Novice, and a SSB position were planned for activation. Something relatively new for Field Day was announced by President Delgado: He stated that one does not even have to be a licensed Amateur to operate during Field Day. He added that a fully qualified operator will be present at all times to authorize, assist, and monitor operations by non-licensed participants. It was pointed out that this was an opportune time and place to introduce and demonstrate to the uninitiated the fun involved and the usefulness of amateur radio.
ARRL Special Service Club status renewed...
The President announced that IRARC's status as an ARRL Special Service Club had been renewed for still another year. To qualify for such renewal, strict standards must be met and adequately reported to designated approval authority. One of many critical qualification standards is that at least 51% of the membership must also be members of the ARRL. Still another is that clubs concerned must be active in providing community service.
Gary Tanner, WA1ZWH, was designated, via drawing, as the monthly door prize winner. Since Gary was nowhere to be found, the prize for June was increased to the fantastic sum of $20.
The June, 2001 Meeting...
43 members and 6 visitors showed up for the regular meeting on June 7th, 2001. At that time, club financial assets were annouced as being $4764.26. The Treasurer, Rich McMillan, KD4GPJ, announced that member, Bill Eppley, W2SDB, had contributed $200 to the IRARC for purchase of "Good Guy" pins. This announcement was met with a round of applause from grateful members.
Rick Watson, KF4FNZ, Education Committee Chairman, reported that the three students graduating from the Spring Training Course had secured their FCC licenses. He added that the IRARC Fall Course would begin September 26th.
First awards to "Good Guys"...
George Cannon, KF4XB, and Jim Harrison, N4OZZ, were awarded "Good Guy" pins for outstanding services to the IRARC.
An indication of forthcoming election...
Election of club officers was announced as scheduled for the November, 01 meeting. Members were advised to contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Joe Parker, KC4CFE, on all matters pertaining to forthcoming nominations.
ARRL Awards Manager appointed...
George Cannon, KF4XB, volunteered for and was subsequently appointed as the club's official ARRL Awards Manager with regard to the "Worked All States" certificates. This means that not only club members, but all Hams in the immediate geographical area could now have their QSL cards checked and validated for certification by George.
Bob Seiler, WA2UMN, was absent from the June 01 meeting and was unfortunate enough to miss out on the $20 door prize when his name was drawn for same. Note that 40 members and a single visitor showed up for the July 01 get-together.
Another Special Event is Announced...
It was during the July meeting that George Cannon, KF4XB, related that the annual Lighthouse Special Event would be held at the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse on August 18, 01. The unique call, N4L, was assigned IRARC for this occasion.
Preliminary After-Action Report Regarding Field Day, 2001...
At the July meeting, Al Ruschel, N4TME, announced that Field Day 2001 was a success even though severe thunderstorms occured each day of the event. The blustering weather almost resulted in the loss of the club's newly purchased special events tent. Although the final official count was incomplete at the time, Al stated that, with approximately 60 people involved, over 700 radio contacts were accomplished. He estimated that the final score attained would be in the neighborhood of 7800. He went on to state that, thanks to Food Coordinator, Bertie Moore, KD4WLR, the food and refreshments served were absolutely outstanding. After Al's announcement, Bertie added that monetary contributions by individual were a significant help in covering expenses that, in the past, had been borne by the club. This year, the Rockledge Fire Department even furnished nearly all the ice used during the two day exercise.
A "Good Guy" pin was awarded to the IRARC star coffee maker, Dennis, Hebert, KF4RXA. The name drawn for the $30 cash door prize was that of John Trent, KE4QIV. Luckily for John, he was present to claim the money.
Former IRARC President Selected as "Outstanding Intellectual"...
The July 01 edition of the club newsletter, Spurious Emissions, contained an announcement that former IRARC President, Bill Willmot, K4TF, had been selected to appear in a reference book entitled "2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century." The publication is that of the International Biographical Center of Cambridge, England and was to be printed in late 2001.
Generous member finances additional "Good Guy" award pins...
Bill Eppley, W2SDB, was thanked at the September 01 meeting for his generous personal contribution of $200 to cover the costs of a new supply of "Good Guy" pins. These pins are routinely awarded to club members for outstanding service to the IRARC. One of these awards was presented to Jan Ferguson, W4REN, for extraordinary service to the IRARC and the Amateur Radio Community. It was at the September meeting that the members voted to donate $300 in club funds to help support the Brevard Emergency Amateur Radio service (BEARS). Special Events Chairman, George Cannon, KF4XB, reported upon a successful Lighthouse Special Event conducted in August 01. Eighteen members participated making 84 contacts, including 17 other lighthouses.
IRARC does well when records of 2001 Field Day are determined...
The December edition of the club's newsletter contained encouraging news as to the IRARC's accomplishment during the 2001 Field Day Exercise. As part of the 4a Battery Class, IRARC finished fourth in the U.S. with only clubs in Oregon, Maryland, and Tennessee scoring more points. The club made a total of 757 contacts using QRP with 57 participants. Member participation here was greater than that of 99% of the reporting clubs.
IRARC does well when records of 2001 Field Day are determined...
The December 01 edition of the club's newsletter contained encouraging news as to the IRARC's accomplishment during the 2001 Field Day Exercise. As part of the 4a Battery Class, IRARC finished fourth in the U.S. with only clubs in Oregon, Maryland, and Tennessee scoring more points in Class 4a. The local club made a total of 757 contacts using QRP with 57 participants. Member participation here was greater than that of 99% of the reporting clubs.
Club's 2001 Holiday Season party is a success...
57 Members, spouses and guests attended the annual IRARC Holiday Season party at the Radisson Hotel in Cape Canaveral on December 6, 2001. Once again, the dynamic duo of Bertie Moore, KD4WLT, and Gail Hill, KG4HZW, were instrumental in conducting and insuring success of the celebration. Bertie scripted the event and provided decorations and arranged entertainment while Gail established the location, time, meals, and financial details. The food was great, but the Holiday Spirit was even more impressive.
- As IRARC history is being made, it will be added to this collection. Coverage of IRARC activities will continue on the following pages. To check on what happens in 2002, click on the "Ahead" button below.