Once again, Lee, KU4LS; Al, N4TME; and Tim, N9EL, operate out of
Doug, N4MPD, staring into glare shield over laptop running PSK31 mode.
IRARC's CW station trailer
and BEARS' mobile tower/generator. |
PSK31 station powered by solar panels and batteries
Jerry, KD4YDP, blasts out massive quantities of CW while Steve, N4UTQ,
logs 'em |
Food tent, the location of great food thanks to Bertie, KD4WLR, and Gail, KG4HZW.
Indian River Amateur Radio Club
SPECIAL EVENTS REPORT Report of the Field Day Chairman. Field Day 2001 By Al Ruschel, N4TME Fantastic! Not only did we make gains over last year but more importantly, we diversified. This year we added Satellite, Six Meter and APRS to our repertoire. Thank you Mac KD4GPJ for managing this effort and to Lee KU4OS for technical assistance on Satellite and to Tom KG4JAC on APRS. Danny KE4OZD did the honors on six meters. While this was not the first year on PSK31 this was the most effective and we were able to show a good demo this year thanks to J.D. W4GNC, Norm W1TLZ and Doug N4MPD. The CW group in the trailer had the high score again this year. Jeff N4JT and his group: Jerry KC4YDP, Roy W6QCM, and Dale W4QM made 558 contacts for a total of 5580 points. Good Job! A SSB station in Comm II rounded out our 4A Battery QRP station this year. Those who operated this mode included Al N4TME, Gail KG4HZW, Roy W6QCM, Tim N9EL and Jack W4DXZ. How many liked the Talk-in provided by Jim W4BAL on Field Day morning? Wasn't that a nice touch? Bertie KD4WLR and her Food Committee did a great job pulling things together or was that holding things together? Here I wish to express my appreciation to all the members and their families who contributed food to our effort. Larry Cooke K4OHE was especially helpful in this area. Here is the list as the chairman knows.(Hi Hi) Gail KG4HZW, Barbara Ruschel, Barbara Collner, Silvia Eppig, Rita McMillian, Regina KG4HTE, George KF4XB, Minervi Delgado, Roy W4JAZ, Genevive Link, and a cast of thousands. I looked at a photograph of the Field Day site which had been taken after set up was completed. I had the thought, "Everything you see there had to be brought to the site, set in place, checked out and that all in one short morning." They did it and we were ready at 1800 UTC. Who? Jan W4REN was in charge of the setup and Roy W6QCM was in charge of getting the equipment there. In addition to the operators above, most of whom assisted with setup, there is a faithful group who come to help with setup and tear down every year. We could not make it without them. I want to be sure that they are recognized this year: Clyde KG4HWH, Larry K4OHE, Chuck KD4WEH, Tim N9EL, Ira K8HRR, George KC4YEW, Bob KG4HWC, Steve N4UTQ, Denis KF4RXA, and Butch (N4BOO) W6FK. Danny KE4OZD setup the 6 meter site and PSK31 was put in place by JD W4GNC, Norm W1TLZ and Doug N4MPD. To round out the list Mac KD4GPJ and crew installed the satellite antennas. We made 727 contacts and after adding bonus points we should end up with 7925 points in the December QST. Our best count shows 57 persons visited the site. Some operated, some talked, some observed and most ate and had fun. We have been needing rain and we got it Field Day. In spite of some wind and a bit of dampness all came off well. Can we improve? Yes. WE see holes we did not fill. So start planning for next year. Your Chairman, Al Ruschel, N4TME 23-24 June 2001 |