SnapShots Taken During The
Indian River
Amateur Radio Club's Monthly Meetings
The IRARC meets at 7:30 PM on the first Thursday of each month at the Grace Methodist Church on Needles Blvd, just off State Road 3 (Courtenay Pkwy), Merritt Island, Florida. Visitors are always welcome!
Photographs of individuals appearing on these pages may have been taken during the weekly
SMAH meetings by our roving photographers Dick - W4YWA, and Gene - W4JMX as
well as at the monthly club meetings.
Not reliable as geographic evidence.
You can view these photos in larger size if you click on the photo.
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Van -

Dave Eppley -
Bill's son
The May 2000 IRARC Monthly Meeting

Roy - W6QCM - Making Presentation

Dennis - KF4RXA Galley Chief

Dave - N4HNW Entertaining

Ernie - K4RBD, and Jim - W4BAL