Page Eight

The March Of Dimes Volunteer Recognition Day - 15 April 2000

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The IRARC March Of Dimes Team 2000


The March Of Dimes Award for 2000

Indian River Amateur Radio Club

The club, as usual, supported the annual March of Dimes Walkathon which took place on April 15, 2000. The walk occurs each year at this time and goes from Kiwannis Island, Merritt Island, to Cocoa Beach, following a route along State Road 520. The round trip length is about 8 miles. The walk went very well although attendance was down this year from previous years. This might have been due to the forecast for rain which never occurred. The weather was perfect for the walk.

We had 18 volunteers, although 4 had to cancel due to circumstances beyond their control. We still give them credit for volunteering. Luckily, the number of stations was reduced to 6 and the remaining volunteers were sufficient to fill all our requirements.

The volunteers were:
Gene, W4JMX     Roy, W6QCM     Bryan, K3TFG     Rich, KD4GPJ     Al, N4TME     Bertie, KD4WLR    
Jim, W4BAL     Jerry, AD4PP     Jack, W4DXZ     June, KD4EYR     Steve, N4UTQ     Link, KC4YEW    
Jim, KC5MFG     Marty, N4FIZ     Joan, W4JBL     Roy, W4JAZ     Carl, K4ARL     Lisa, KD4WSH

The club was presented with a plaque from the March of Dimes organization in appreciation for the many years that we have provided communications for the event.

Thanks go to all the volunteers for the outstanding performance before during and after the walk.

Special thanks must go to Jim, W4BAL, for his providing the BEARS COMM1 vehicle which was used as the club headquarters and Net Control base.